There are many factors to consider when thinking about hosting your web business. A small 5 page site can get away with slow shared and cheap. These are not three words however that work for web businesses. You want the hosting to be available, quick and cheap never comes into the equation. You get what you pay for.
We offer a wide range of products through our network of suppliers. That means that we concentrate our efforts on building your web business and not focussed on ensuring the uptime and quality of the servers.
If you already have hosting in place, great. We will work with what you have.
The hosting we use must provide the tools we need. So for example if we are building a large platform we might require Jenkins to deliver the product. We also ensure all our sites have a test environment for end user testing. This is where you will sign off of the product before its released.
We can guide you through domains and DNS settings as well as email accounts and users.
Whatever your hosting and email requirements are, talk to us for guidance about what will be required and costs.
Contact Us
We are located in Southsea - Portsmouth in the South of England.
Postal Address
198 London Road
North End
United Kingdom